Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Pet Spending Really . . .

So let me set my record straight. I do not own a pet, nor do I believe they should be owned against there will. Okay so I had a pet before. A hamster named Precious. She died and my brother and I gave her a funeral. No Usher was not there, but he sent his condolences.

Pets are slaves of human amusement. Okay. That was kind of rough, but its true. What do people find in pets? First thing is first, pets are domesticated animals. I'm probably wrong when I say this but that means that humans took them home and made them stay there. In essence they could probably do that with any animal, I still have not seen anyone with a pet giraffe, but I'm mistaken.

Why do we have pets? People look forward toward taking care of animal more so than humans. Think of all the emotions that people go through having a baby. There is all sorts of reasons behind this. People elect to have pets. They become expendable. How loving is that, knowing that you chose to have a pet, and you can choose not to have that? You cannot do that with people. You cannot dump a baby in a clinic and say you do not want it. Its not right, and its illegal.

In a recession, where the job market is like Shaq's feet, ugly, why is pet spending going up? I do not see a correlation behind this. If you cannot pay your light bill, then perhaps you should cut back on the gifts you buy your poodle. Maybe there is not a recession, maybe its all a lie, but I will not believe that animals you force to live with you are more important than people.

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