Thursday, June 4, 2009

No Lebron, No Problem . . .

Okay, Lebron James said, "Nah, I don't feel like playing in the NBA finals" (not an actual quote). So The Cleveland Cavaliers could not get passed the Orlando Magic to make the NBA Finals. Luckily for the NBA, Dwight Howard the newly dubbed Superman II is the face of the Orlando Magic. Just in the nick of time for the NBA.

Vitamin Water made a new commercial in short time to promote their product. Advertisers zero in on specific athletes to sell their product. This is counter productive for sports. Yes, in basketball one player can dominate a game, however, it takes a team to win games. So as we watch these NBA Finals, try not to focus on dominate play of the team's stars, but the actual team themselves (I'm watching the game right now, I know Kobe is killing, but he does pass the ball from time to time). Contrary to popular belief a player can lift a team, but teams that win lift their players.

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